Terms Of Use

Any visitor accesses the Atbpay website,will be required to acknowledge that they have read, understood, and accepted the Terms of Use.

Changes to Terms and Conditions of us

Atbpay preserves the right to make changes or amendments to the terms and conditions of use of the website at any time and whenever necessary and publish the terms on the website. All visitors agree to check this page periodically and regularly to take notice of any changes. Continuing to use Atbpay.ae is considered an acknowledgment of the terms and conditions, which will govern the usage of the website.


Atbpay owns and retains all rights for the content and the services published on its website, and it should not be republished in any form without the written consent of Atbpay.

Privacy Policy

By using this website, you agree that your information might be collected and used as specified in the Privacy Policy.

Prohibited activities

Atbpay grants the visitors permission to visit the website and use its services in line with the following conditions:

  • The user will not have the right to collect content or information of other users including, and not limited to, emails, passwords, and mobile numbers or violating any copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or any property rights available via The Website.
  • The user does not have the right to use the website to promote or advertise for any trademark or commercial brand or any other property rights or any products by any form.
  • The user does not have the right to use the website by any means that harms or disrupts or weakens or negatively affects the servers and the networks of the hosting environment or in a manner that contradicts with the benefits of the other users of the content.
  • The user does not have the right to visit Atbpay.ae or access any of its services or accounts or login information or computer software or networks connected to the website.
  • The user does not have the right to violate any local, national or international laws or any other decree or rule or regulation including, and not limited to, the terms and conditions of use at any time while using the website.
  • Any breach of the system’s security or the network is subject to civil and criminal liability. Atbpay will investigate any incident that may entail any of these violations and will participate and cooperate with the authorities in enforcing the law in referring to court users who commit such violations.
Third Party Website

Atbpay has the right to provide URLs or references to other websites operated by third parties. Atbpay will exert its utmost efforts to carefully and reasonably select the websites that are linked to it. In spite of this, the user is solely responsible for making a decision regarding the accuracy, legality, correctness, and authenticity of the implicit and explicit information available on the websites of the third parties.

Copyright and trademarks

Atbpay and all its logos, page headers, icons, graphics, and videos are trademarks and owned by Atbpay or the entities that granted it the license to use such material. Those are protected by laws of intellectual property rights, copyright, trademarks, patents, or any other related laws. Moreover, all information and material available on the website including, and not limited to, statements, pages, documents, images, cartoons on the Internet, and web pages are protected by the Copyright Law unless otherwise notified. Your usage of the website does not entitle you any right of the property right of any of these materials. Atbpay is not legally responsible for any violation of the intellectual property rights that may result of using this website.


The user agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Atbpay and all other companies associated with it including its licensors, employees, branches, agents, representatives, officials, and other services provides (entities to which Indemnities are paid) from all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, costs, damages of fees (INCLUDING ATTORNEY FEES) arising out of or in any way whether directly or indirectly to the material provided or published or through any unauthorized material acquired via Atbpay or any violation by the user of any terms of this agreement or any violation of the rights of any other individual or participation in any activity through the website.

Governing law and Jurisdiction

The Terms of use, including and not limited to, the interpretation of these terms and the relationship between The users and Atbpay are governed by the laws of The Emirate of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and are interpreted in line with these laws regardless of their contribution with the principles of the law. The users also agree that the courts in Dubai, UAE are the only specialized courts to look into any difference that may arise with regard to these terms of use.

The terms of use constitute a full and binding agreement between the user and Atbpay and govern the use of the website. Non-enforcement or non-exercising any right or ruling of these terms does not mean a waiver of these rights or rulings.